Massage therapy
Massage therapy is used for: relaxation, reduction of pain, activation of blood circulation, reduction of muscle aura, improvement of muscle condition, reduction of swelling, prevention of contractures.
Massage therapy
Healing back massage is applied as an aid in physical and manual therapy. It effectively decreases the stiffness of after surgical scars, activates blood circulation, improves lymph circulation, and metabolism. Helps to decrease the swelling and pain. Improves skin and muscle elasticity. Appropriate appliance of healing massage strengthens health, improves sleeping quality and overall well-being.
- for people with sedentary jobs
- after operations and trauma
- for people suffering from spinal and joint diseases
Full body medical massage is applied as an aid in physical and manual therapy. During the massage manual therapy principles are applied. Recommended for people, who enjoy stronger, more intense massages.
- for people with sedentary jobs
- after operations and trauma
- for people suffering from spinal and joint diseases
- after intensive workouts
- to relieve intense pain
Due to various respiratory tract diseases exudate can accumulate in the lungs, which irritates receptors in the trachea and causes coughing. During the massage vibrating, precision and vocal techniques are applied along with healing positions, which help remove phlegm from the respiratory tract.
The goal of a sports massage is to affect the deep tissue and maintain high muscle tone. Can be applied to the whole body or separate parts. This massage is very strong and intense. The procedure can be applied to the bare patient or having tight clothes on.
- after muscle overload
- muscle pain relief
- muscle tension relief
- after intensive professional or amateur exercise
- trauma prevention
- before upcoming competition